Grand Lodge of Ireland Masonic Charities
There are approximately 150 Lodges within the Masonic Province of Down making it the second largest Province in the Irish Constitution. The Province is divided into 6 Districts, 1 within a six mile radius of the centre of Belfast called United and five in the rest of the Province.
There are 40 halls in the Province of Down, each of the 6 districts have a Provincial Grand Steward of Charities, and a Provincial Grand Almoner, who report from Provincial Grand Lodge to the relevant Charity District Committee and then the Lodge representatives report back to their own Lodges. It is a basic method of communication that works very well in this instance.
The Down Masonic Widows Fund is the main Fund which is available to the Brethren and their families within the five Districts comprising Bangor, Banbridge, Downpatrick, Newry and Newtownards.
Other Masonic Charities which are available to Brethren within the Six Districts are as follows:
The Freemasons of Ireland Girls & Boys Fund
Incorporating: The Masonic Girls Benefit Fund, The Masonic Boys Benefit Fund, TLC (Teddies for Loving Care) and The Irish Freemasons Young Musician of the Year
Registered with the Charities Regulator in the Republic of Ireland No. 20001315
The Freemasons of Ireland Victoria Jubilee & Welfare Fund
Incorporating: The Victoria Jubilee Masonic Benevolent Fund, The Masonic Welfare Fund, The Elena Donoughmore Memorial Masonic Charity Fund and The Freemasons of Ireland Medical Research Fund.
Registered with the Charities Regulator in the Republic of Ireland No. 20032098
Harold McMaster Taggart Fund
The Fund was established by Trust Deed in 1994 to provide one-off financial grants to
worthy applicants undertaking postgraduate level continuing educational studies. Applications are not means tested, but certain financial information is sought in order to ascertain
any shortfall between income and expected outgoings relating to course fees, travel,
books, subsistence, etc.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Down Masonic Charity
The Margaret Elizabeth Daniel Respite Fund was established in 2007, to provide assistance towards the cost of temporary respite care, for Freemasons or their immediate family members.
Contact: Galwally House, Drumkeen Court, Belfast, BT8 6TB 028 9045 9694